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Safeguarding Information

We seek to be a church that is safe for everyone, and so take safeguarding very seriously. If you are concerned that someone you know is at risk of, or is being abused, or presents a risk to others, please seek advice from the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser, or if necessary, report the matter to your Local Authority Social Care Services or the Police 









Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser:

Mandy McPhee

07875 757396


Parish Safeguarding Officers:

Jenny Litchfield (St James')

Tanya Brooks (St Peter's)



Phone: 01432683631


DBS Enquiries

Mary Lind​



Please see below for additional useful contact numbers:

Herefordshire Council Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub
Children – 01432 260800

Adult – 01432 260715 (weekday office hours)
Emergency Duty Team – 0330 123 9309 (after 5 pm, weekends and Public Holiday)



0808 800 5000


Childline (helpline for children):

0800 11 11

National Domestic Violence Helpline:

0808 2000 247


Action on Elder Abuse:

0808 808 8141

Mary Lind.png

Tanya Brooks

Mary Lind

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Jenny Litchfield

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