Pastoral Care
SPSJ is in the process of relaunching its small groups ministry and pastoral ministry and is in the process of training new leaders for both with an aim to launch them afresh at our church weekend away at the end of September.
If you are interested in joining a small group, but have not yet filled in the questionnaire, please click here to let us know about the type of group you’d like to join, and we will be in touch in September. You can also email us directly if you have questions, smallgroups@spsj.co.uk
If you are struggling in any way and would value pastoral support from a member of our pastoral visitors, please contact pastoralcare@spsj.co.uk to get in touch with Tom Milton and Liz Allen who are coordinating it. They would love to hear from you and to be able to help.

Our commitment
We can sometimes think that pastoral care looks only like the vicar calling round. ‘The Church is the Body of Christ, the people of God and the dwelling-place of the Holy Spirit. In baptism the whole Church is summoned to witness to God’s love and to work for the coming of his kingdom.’
We want to encourage everyone to see their own responsibility for pastoral care in the life of the Church as well as providing a dedicated team to overseeing and training individuals in this vital lifeblood of the Church.
Maybe you could be 'the church' for someone today?